
Certa Personalmanagement GmbH

Wandsbeker Marktstr. 24-26
22041 Hamburg
Tel. +49 40 30090730
Fax +49 40 30090759


Sven Karbownik
HRB Hamburg 98478
USt-IdNr.: 4370200837
Inhaltlich verantwortlich: Sven Karbownik


Agentur für Arbeit Kiel
Projensdorfer Straße 82
24106 Kiel

Zuständige Aufsichtsbehörde

Agentur für Arbeit Kiel
Postfach 3007
24029 Kiel

Copyright notice of the used photos

Data protection

All original content created on our website is secured by copyright law. It is in no way allowed to be modified and used by other websites or mobile applications without the written consent. Any use for public or commercial purposes requires the consent of certa Personalmanagement GmbH. Violation of these conditions requires the immediate destruction of all printed or stored content. The right to subsequent claims for damages is reserved.

Responsibility notice

Our websites also contain links to third party’s websites. Certa Personalmanagement GmbH is not responsible for any third-party content available through these links. The third-party website has been verified for illegal content the first time it has been linked, but we are not responsible for that content. The information on our site is made with the utmost care. certa Personalmanagement GmbH does not guarantee its completeness or suitability for any particular purpose of use. The use of the content displayed on the website is at the user’s own risk.

Copyright notice

All rights reserved. Website design and content, such as photos, animations, graphics, texts and structures, are subject to copyright and other intellectual property laws.

Copying, modification, commercial use, use of other media or transmission of information from the website of third parties is not permitted, or this requires the prior and explicit approval of certa Personalmanagement GmbH.